Dutch Game Awards
Donderdag 06 oktober 2022 - 18:00 - 22:00The Dutch Game Awards powered by Control is a cooperation between the Dutch Media Week, the Dutch Games Association, and game development magazine Control. The event consists of a two-track conference with speakers from The Netherlands and abroad. For more information, please see https://controlconference.
The Dutch Game Awards 2022 will feature an evening filled with networking and a grand award ceremony. There are 9 awards to be handed out to game projects and 4 awards for achievements within the industry. Nominees and winners will be chosen by a dedicated jury of experts from the game industry. For more information, please see https://www.
Dutch Game Day powered by Control bestaat uit een congres van twee tracks met sprekers uit binnen- en buitenland. Die geven een kijkje achter de schermen bij het development van hun games of delen hun meer persoonlijke verhalen. We sluiten de dag af met een nieuwe editie van de Dutch Game Awards. De award show voor de game industrie.